Computer Graphics Workshop '97 Lecture Notes | 1/29/97 |
Scripting languages usually allow more run-time extensibility than C programs do. For example, new procedures and data types can usually be defined in a scripting language while the base program is still running, while in C you would have to recompile and restart your program in order to add a new data type to it.
Many scripting languages are interpreted at the program text level, which means they allow the user to type in new programs at runtime. This is useful for rapidly prototyping new programs, because the delay between typing in part of a new program and seeing it run is eliminated. In C and other compiled languages the compilation time usually destroys this interactivity.
In addition to interactivity and extensibility, most scripting languages have the advantage that the same program runs without modification on more than one type of computer. Combined with the above features, this means that executable program code can be sent among computers. (Example: Java applets.) This is useful for portability and for exploring more dynamic types of programming.
The Programming Language Exploration pages describe many scripting languages.
Some scripting languages convert the program text into the intermediate format as a preprocessing step. (For example, Java is interpreted at the bytecode level.)
Some scripting languages allow your C program to maintain control of the main loop and call the scripting language to evaluate new code. This type of language is called an embeddable language. Others (like Java) take control of the main loop, and allow you to add new commands to the language (see below). These are usually called extension languages. Many embeddable languages are also extensible.
Recall that scripting languages allow the user to define new data types at runtime. How are these data types and objects of these types represented? Typically the scripting language defines an "opaque data type", which is just a pointer in C, representing objects in the scripting language. In order to get information about the object, the C program must call a procedure to ask the scripting language's environment about the object in question. This layer of indirection is what makes runtime extensibility possible.
For example, in SCM, all Scheme objects are represented in C as variables of type SCM. These represent all objects in Scheme, including numbers, strings, and cons cells. For example, an SCM representing a cons cell can be decomposed using the C CAR and CDR macros.
> (my-c-function 2 5)would get parsed by the interpreter, which would find that the command "my-c-function" is actually implemented by the C procedure "foo". Foo would then get called with an argument or arguments representing the values passed in from the extension language (here, 2 and 5). It would convert these values from the extension language's format, if necessary, compute its result, convert that result into the extension language's format, and return it to the extension language.
Note the distinction from a procedure written in the scripting language itself. Functions implemented in C are generally functions used for implementing the scripting language. Higher-level procedures written in the scripting language then tie these basic commands together to form programs.
How do you add new commands so they are available in this way? You tell the interpreter what function to call upon receiving a certain string. This function must match a certain signature (for example, taking an opaque data type as its first and only argument, which represents the list of arguments passed from the extension language). Basically, you're registering a callback with the interpreter, in exactly the same way you did with Inventor's sensors and draggers.
We can write a set of "glue" procedures, or "stubs", which match the signature the interpreter expects. After implementing a few of these stubs, it rapidly becomes apparent that they all share the same common structure. (This mechanism is the same for various extension languages, from SCM to Java. Note the similarity with the working of "foo", above.)
Since Open Inventor is a C++ class library (no automatic stub generator for SCM), and it was impractical to manually write stub functions, Header2Scheme was developed. This program descends a directory tree full of header files for C++ classes, and outputs glue procedures for each class. This program was used to automatically generate the Scheme interface to Open Inventor (aside from a few exceptions which had to be hand-coded).
These glue procedures work in exactly the way described above with one exception. It was necessary to provide some sort of dynamic system for making method calls on C++ objects. Think about the differences from pure C functions: methods are conceptually "bound" to a particular object (actually, in C++ they are scoped within a class), while functions live in the global scope. It would have been unworkable to require the user to remember which methods were associated with which class, and make a function call by typing (className::methodName object args...). Therefore the "->" operator was introduced, which checked the passed object's class to see if the requested method existed, and called it if so. This allowed the imitation of C++ syntax. The wrapper function "send" allowed Scheme and C++ objects to be treated in the same way, using the message passing paradigm.
ALIVE had two scripting language interfaces: Tcl and Scheme. The Tcl interface was higher-level, allowing the user to load in new creatures at run time. The Scheme interface provided lower level access to the internals of the creatures, and was designed to allow new creatures to be written entirely in Scheme.
Netscape is currently based around Javascript, an interpreted language for representing web documents. Each time a document is loaded, it is converted into a Javascript object tree, with objects representing the document and its components (like paragraphs, lists, pictures, Java applets, and embedded plugins). Javascript allows small pieces of interpreted code to be embedded in web pages.
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