Name Affiliation Minoru Asada Univeristy of Osaka Michael Black Xerox PARC Aaron Bobick MIT Media Lab Matthew Brand Mitsubishi Electric Research Lab Francois Bremond University of Southern California Trevor Darrell Interval Research Larry Davis University of Maryland Irfan Essa Georgia Tech David Hogg University of Leeds Michael Isard Oxford University Alan Jepson University of Toronto Yeongji Kim CIA Yasuo Kuniyoshi ETL Richard Mann NEC Research Maja Mataric Brandeis University Hans Nagel Germany Randal Nelson University of Rochester Tom Olson Texas Instruments Alex Pentland MIT Media Laboratory Jonathon Philips NIST Tomaso Poggio MIT JianZhong Qian Siemens Corporate Research James Rehg DEC CRL Whitman Richards MIT Mubarak Shah University of Central Florida Pawan Sinha University of Wisconson, Madison Tom Strat DARPA Dimitri Terzopoulos University of Toronto Yaser Yacoob University of Maryland Emre Yilmaz Protozoa Inc. Back to Workshop Homepage