Most face recognition experiments to date have had at most a few hundred faces. Thus how face recognition performance scales with the number of faces is almost completely unknown. In order to have an estimate of the recognition performance on much larger databases, we have conducted tests on a database of 7,562 images of approximately 3,000 people.The eigenfaces for this database were approximated using a principal components analysis on a representative sample of 128 faces. Recognition and matching was subsequently performed using the first 20 eigenvectors. In addition, each image was then annotated (by hand) as to sex, race, approximate age, facial expression, and other salient features. Almost every person has at least two images in the database; several people have many images with varying expressions, headwear, facial hair, etc.
Standard EigenfacesThis database can be interactively searched using an X-windows browsing tool called Photobook. The user begins by selecting the types of faces they wish to examine; e.g., senior Caucasian males with mustaches, or adult Hispanic females with hats. This subset selection is accomplished using an object-oriented database to search through the face image annotations. Photobook then presents the user with the top matches found in the database. The remainder of the database images can be viewed by ``paging'' through the set of images. At any time the user can select a face from among those presented, and Photobook will then use the eigenvector description of that face to sort the entire set of faces in terms of their similarity to the selected face. Photobook then re-presents the user with the face images, now sorted by similarity to the selected face.
The figure below shows the typical results of Photobook similarity search using the eigenvector descriptors. The face at the upper left of each set of images was selected by the user; the remainder of the faces are the 15 most-similar faces from among the entire 7,562 images (in this case they all belong to the same individual). Similarity decreases left to right, top to bottom. The entire searching and sorting operation takes less than one second on a standard Sun Sparcstation, because each face is described using only a very small number of eigenvector coefficients. Of particular importance is the ability to find the same person despite wide variations in expression and variations such as presence of eye glasses, etc.
MIT Media Lab Database Photobook
Interactive Web Demo
To assess the average recognition rate, 200 faces were selected at random, and a nearest-neighbor rule was used to find the most-similar face from the entire database. If the most-similar face was of the same person then a correct recognition was scored. In this experiment the eigenvector-based recognition system produced a recognition accuracy of 95%.
The eigenface technique is easily extended to the description and coding of facial features, yielding eigeneyes, eigennoses and eigenmouths. Eye-movement studies indicate that these particular facial features represent important landmarks for fixation, especially in an attentive discrimination task. Therefore we should expect an improvement in recognition performance by incorporating an additional layer of description in terms of facial features. This can be viewed as either a modular or layered representation of a face, where a coarse (low-resolution) description of the whole head is augmented by additional (higher-resolution) details in terms of salient facial features.
With this modular technique we require an automatic method for detecting these features. The standard detection paradigm in computer vision is that of simple correlation or template matching. The eigenspace formulation, however, leads to a powerful alternative to simple template matching. The reconstruction error (or residual) of the principal component representation (referred to as the distance-from-face-space) is a an effective indicator of a match. The residual error is easily computed using the projection coefficients and signal energy. This detection strategy is equivalent to matching with eigentemplates and allows for a greater range of distortions in the input signal (including lighting, rotation and scale).
In the eigenfeature representation the equivalent "distance-from-feature-space" (DFFS) is effectively used for the detection of features. Given an input image, a feature distance-map is built by computing the DFFS at each pixel. The globl minimim of this distance map is then selected as the best feature match. This parallel search process is illustrated below.
The DFFS feature detector was used for the automatic detection and coding of the facial feautres in our large data base of 7562 faces. A representative sample of 128 individuals was used to find a set of eigen features. Above you can see examples of training templates used for the facial features (left-eye, right_eye, nose and mouth). The entire database is processed by using independent detectors for each feature ( with the DFFS computed based on projection on hte first 10 eigenvectors) The mathches are obtained by independently selecting the global minimum in each of the four distance maps. Typical detections are shown below.
The DFFS metric associated with each detection can be used in conjunction with a threshold --- i.e. only the global minima with a DFFS value less than the threshold are declared to be a possible match. Consequently we can characterize the detection vs. false-alarm tradeoff by varying this threshold and generating a receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve. Figure above shows the ROC curve for the left eye (the left eye is the feature which was most accurately registered in the image, thus providing the most reliable ROC curve). A correct detection was defined as a below-threshold global minimum within 5 pixels of the mean left eye position. Similarly, a false alarm was defined as a below-threshold detection located outside the 5-pixel radius. Global minima above the threshold were undeclared. The peak performance of this detector corresponds to a 94% detection rate at a false alarm rate of 6%. Conversely, at a zero false-alarm rate, 52% of the eyes were correctly detected. To calibrate the performance of the DFFS detector, we have also shown the ROC curve corresponding to a standard sum-of-square-differences (SSD) template matching technique. The templates used were the mean features in each case.
The modular description is also advantageous for image compression and coding purposes. The figure below shows the difference between a standard eigenspace reconstruction (using 100 eigenfaces) and a modular reconstruction which automatically blends reconstructions of each feature on top of the eigenface reconstruction. Since the position and spatial detail of these regions are preserved the quality of the reconstruction is improved.
With the ability to reliably detect facial features across a wide range of faces, we can automatically generate a modular representation of a face. The utility of this layered representation (eigenface plus eigenfeatures) was tested on a small subset of our face database. We selected a representative sample of 45 individuals with two views per person, corresponding to different facial expressions (neutral vs. smiling). These set of images was partitioned into a training set (neutral) and a testing set (smiling). Since the difference in the facial expressions is primarily articulated in the mouth, this particular feature was discarded for recognition purposes. The figure below shows the recognition rates as a function of the number of eigenvectors for eigenface-only, eigenfeature-only and the combined representation. What is surprising is that (for this small dataset at least) the eigenfeatures alone were sufficient in achieving an (asymptotic) recognition rate of 95% (equal to that of the eigenfaces). More surprising, perhaps, is the observation that in the lower dimensions of eigenspace, eigenfeatures outperformed the eigenface recognition. Finally, by using the combined representation, we gain a slight improvement in the asymptotic recognition rate (98%). A similar effect has recently been reported by Brunelli where the cumulative normalized correlation scores of templates for the face, eyes, nose and mouth showed improved performance over the face-only recognition.
A potential advantage of the eigenfeature layer is the ability to overcome the shortcomings of the standard eigenface method. A pure eigenface recognition system can be fooled by gross variations in the input image (hats, beards, etc.). The first row of the figure above shows additional testing views of 3 individuals in the above dataset of 45. These test images are indicative of the type of variations which can lead to false matches: a hand near the face, a painted face, and a beard. The second row in the figure above shows the nearest matches found based on a standard eigenface classification. Neither of the 3 matches correspond to the correct individual. On the other hand, the third row shows the nearest matches based on the eyes and nose features, and results in correct identification in each case. This simple example illustrates the advantage of a modular representation in disambiguating false eigenface matches.