Mojgan Monika Gorkani

Current title: Member of Technical Staff

Silicon Graphics
2011 N. Shoreline Blvd
Mountain View, CA 94043

Research/Job interests

Visualization of video data, indexing videos in a database, video special effects and textural features for database query.

Vismod Advisor: Prof. Rosalind W. Picard

Master of Science, MIT (June 1993)
Thesis under Prof. Rosalind W. Picard: "Designing an orientation finding algorithm based on human visual data"

Bachelor of Applied Science in Electrical Engineering
University of Toronto, Canada

July 1994- June 1995, Scientific researcher in IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose
Designed algorithms for creating mosaics or salient stills from a sequence of video frames, giving exact random access for MPEG frames and degittering shaky videos

Sept 1993- July 1994, Stagiare in INRIA, Rocquencourt
Project Syntim - worked on problems in 3D reconstruction of office scenes from two stereo images

Sept 1991 - Sept 1993 - Research Assistant in MIT's Media Laboratory
Worked on problems in texture analysis, specifically, using textural features for image database query.

Current project

Working in SGI's Digital Systems Division. My job is to figure out what cool transitions and image processing gadgets we can add to our new movie editor.

Research at Vismod

I worked on designing an algorithm for finding dominant orientations in textures and using this information for a "high-level" search problem where the computer searched among 98 natural scenes for likely 'city/suburb' scenes.

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